Pastor Nathan preaches from Isaiah 45:14-25 about the Almighty God’s supremacy over false idols and his call to all people everywhere to turn to him.
Pastor Nathan preaches from Isaiah 45:1-13 about how God sovereignly worked out His purposes through Cyrus the Great.
Pastor Nathan preaches from Isaiah 44:21-28 about God the creator and God the redeemer of His people.
Pastor Nathan preaches from Isaiah 44:6-20 about the one true God’s supremacy over idols and the deceitfulness of sin.
Pastor Nathan preaches from Isaiah 43:22-44:5 about how God shows a continued commitment to His wayward people by offering Christ as the atoning sacrifice for our sins.
Kenny Morris preaches from Romans 4 about what it means for the people of God to live by faith.
Yakubu Jakada preaches from Philippians 1:27-30 about how God’s people should live in the midst of persecution.
Pastor Nathan preaches from Isaiah 43:1-21 about how God extends mercy and offers redemption to his rebellious people.
Pastor Nathan preaches from Isaiah 42:10-25 about the importance of earnest obedience to God’s Word.
Pastor Nathan preaches from Isaiah 42:1-9 about the first “servant song” in Isaiah that looks forward to the Messiah, Jesus Christ.