Pastor Nathan preaches from Isaiah 50:1-11, highlighting the parallels to Jesus and His obedience unto death in the third servant song of Isaiah.
Pastor Nathan preaches from Isaiah 49:8-26 about God’s new covenant with His people and His plan to draw all nations to Himself.
Yakubu Jakada preaches from Luke 2:6-20 about the birth of Christ and what it means for us today.
Pastor Nathan preaches from Isaiah 49:1-7 about God’s plan to bring salvation to the ends of the earth through Jesus Christ.
Pastor Nathan preaches from Isaiah 48:12-22 about the call to forsake the ways of this world and embrace the ways of God.
Pastor Nathan preaches from Isaiah 48:1-11 about God’s enduring patience with his rebellious people.
Pastor Nathan preaches from Isaiah 46:1-47:15 about how God, unlike the idols of man, will bring salvation to His people and judgment upon those who go their own way.
Pastor Nathan preaches from Isaiah 45:14-25 about the Almighty God’s supremacy over false idols and his call to all people everywhere to turn to him.
Pastor Nathan preaches from Isaiah 45:1-13 about how God sovereignly worked out His purposes through Cyrus the Great.
Pastor Nathan preaches from Isaiah 44:21-28 about God the creator and God the redeemer of His people.