Pastor Nathan and others share stories from their recent mission trip to Panama.
Pastor Nathan preaches from Romans 10:14-21 about how the gospel compels us to tell others about Jesus.
Spencer Smith preaches from Ecclesiastes 8:14-17 about the vanity of living life under the sun without God versus the joy of submitting to the will of God.
Pastor Nathan preaches from Romans 10:5-13 that Jesus is Yahweh, and that all who place their trust in Him will be saved.
Pastor Nathan preaches from Romans 10:1-13 about how the law points forward Jesus.
Travis Williamson shares his testimony of working with Wycliffe Bible Translators. The video that Travis shared at the end of his testimony is also available to watch below.
David Khual preaches from John 10:1-15 about how Jesus is the good shepherd.
Pastor Nathan preaches from Luke 1:46-56 about Mary’s song of praise.
We celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ through Scripture reading and song.
Pastor Nathan preaches from Romans 9:22-33 about God’s relationship with the nation of Israel.