Pastor Nathan preaches from Genesis 1:14-19 about how God created the sun, the moon, and the stars on the fourth day of creation.
Pastor Nathan preaches from Genesis 1:14-19 about how God created the sun, the moon, and the stars on the fourth day of creation.
Pastor Nathan preaches from Genesis 1:9-13 about how God gathered up the waters, created land, and commanded the earth to produce vegetation on the third day of creation.
Pastor Nathan preaches from Genesis 1:6-8 about how God separated the waters on the second day of creation.
Pastor Nathan preaches from Genesis 1:3-5 about how God created light and darkness on the first day of creation.
Pastor Nathan preaches from Genesis 1:2 about how God delights in working through challenging circumstances to demonstrate His glory.
Pastor Nathan begins his sermon series on the book of Genesis, preaching from Genesis 1:1 about God as the creator of the universe.
Pastor Nathan preaches from several passages about the blessings of motherhood.